September 5, 2013

Finest Hour 106, Spring 2000

Page 45

By Georgina Landemare (Churchill Family Cook, c. 1940s-50s)

Updated & annotated for the modern kitchen by Barbara Langworth ([email protected])

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Serves 6:

This is a favorite family recipe. I have totally modernized the preparation, and it is easily made using a food processor. The mousse and aspic need to be refrigerated at least an hour before presentation.

2 lbs cooked lean ham
4 oz [1/2 cup] tomato puree
1/2 tsp of paprika [or to taste]
1/2 pint [10 oz] cream, whipped
1/2 oz unflavored gelatine [2 envelopes], softened in about
1 /4 cup water
Chopped aspic jelly*

Cut the ham into one-inch pieces and put a few at a time into the container of a food processor. Turn the machine on and off for about thirty seconds each time.

Add the tomato puree and paprika and process until the ham is finely chopped. Put the mixture in a medium bowl. Stir in the whipped cream and the gelatine. Transfer to a shallow bowl which will serve as a mold when the mixture is inverted.

*Easy aspic
2 cups clear beef consomme
1 envelope [1/4 oz] unflavored gelatine
2 TB Madeira

Put the consomme in a small pot over low heat and sprinkle the gelatine on top. Allow to soften for several minutes and stir until the gelatine has completely dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in Madeira. Pour about 1/2″ deep in a pan [9″x 9″ works well] and chill until set. Using a sharp knife score the gelatine into small pieces. Remove with a spatula.

Mrs. Landemare’s presentation:
Turn out the mousse, cut into slices and place on a bed of chopped aspic jelly. Serve with a salad of cooked peas or points of asparagus or celery mixed with cream. 

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