August 9, 2013

Finest Hour 120, Autumn 2003

Page 47

A compendium of facts eventually to appear as a reader’s guide.


Listed are works generally considered to be stand-alone and book-length, including all the speech collections (*) and derivative works from previously published books (**) —but not individual speech volumes bound as volumes, such as Grabhorn or Overbrook Press wartime productions or the Danish Taler I Danmark. The 2003 total: fifty-one works (twelve posthumous) in eighty-one volumes (twenty-two posthumous).

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1. The Story of the Malakand Field Force, 1898
2. The River War (2 vols.), 1899
3. Savrola: A Tale of the Revolution in Laurania, 1899
4. London to Ladysmith via Pretoria, 1900
5. Lan Hamilton’s March, 1900
6. Mr Brodrick’s Army, 1903*
7. Lord Randolph Churchill (2 vols.), 1906
8. For Free Trade, 1906*
9. My African Journey, 1908
10. Liberalism and the Social Problem, 1910*
11. The Peoples Rights, 1910*
12. The World Crisis (5 vols. in 6 parts), 1923-31
13. My Early Life (US: A Roving Commission), 1930
14. India, 1931*
15. Thoughts and Adventures (US: Amid These Storms), 1932
16. Marlborough: His Life and Times (4 vols.), 1933-38
17. Great Contemporaries, 1937
18. Arms and the Covenant (US: While England Slept), 1938*
19. Step by Step 1936-1939, 1939
20. Into Battle (US: Blood, Sweat, and Tears), 1941*
21. The Unrelenting Struggle, 1942*
22. The End of the Beginning, 1943*
23. Onwards to Victory, 1944*
24. The Dawn of Liberation, 1945*
25. Victory, 1946*
26. War Speeches (first collected edition), 1946*
27. Secret Session Speeches, 1946*
28. Painting as a Pastime, 1948
29. The Second World War (6 vols.), 1948-54 (US: 1948-53)
30. The Sinews of Peace: Postwar Speeches, 1948*
31. Europe Unite: Speeches 1947 & 1948, 1950*
32. In the Balance: Speeches 1949 & 1950, 1951 *
33. War Speeches 1939-1945 (3 vols.), 1951-52*
34. Stemming the Tide: Speeches 1951 & 1952, 1953*
35. A History of the English-Speaking Peoples (4 vols.), 1956-58
36. The Unwritten Alliance: Speeches 1953-1959, 1961*
37. The American Civil War, 1961**
38. Frontiers and Wars, 1962**
39. The Island Race, 1964**
40. Heroes of History, 1968**
41. Joan of ‘Arc, 1969**
42. Young Winston’s Wars, 1972
43. If I Lived My Life Again, 1974**
44. Complete Speeches 1897-1963 (8 vols.), 1974*
45. Collected Essays of Sir Winston Churchill (4 vols.), 1975
46. The Dream, 1987
47. The Boer War, 1989**
48. Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat, 1989*
49. The Chartwell Bulletins 1935, 1989
50. The Great Republic, 1999**
51. Never Give In!, 2003* 

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