May 24, 2013



“It is with feelings of pride and encouragement that I find myself here in the House of Commons of Canada, invited to address the Parliament of the senior Dominion of the Crown.

I am very glad to see again my old friend Mr. Mackenzie King, for fifteen years out of twenty your Prime Minister….We are most grateful for all you have done in the common cause, and we know that you are resolved to do whatever more is possible as the need arises, and as opportunity serves.

2024 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 41st International Churchill Conference. London | October 2024

Canada occupies a unique position in the British Empire because of its unbreakable ties with Britain and its every-growing friendship and intimate association with the United States. Canada is a potent magnet, drawing together those in the new world and in the old whose fortunes are now united in a deadly struggle for life and honour against the common foe.

The contribution of Canada to the Imperial war effort, in troops, in ships, in aircraft, in food, and in finance, has been magnificent….Ici, au Canada, ou la langue française est honorée et parlée, nous nous tenons préts et armés pour aider et pour saluer cette résurrection nationale….

The French Government had at their own suggestion solemnly bound themselves not to make a separate peace. It was their duty and it was also their interest to go to North Africa, where they would have been at the head of the French Empire….But their generals misled them. When I warned them that Britain would fight on alone whatever they did, their generals told their Prime Minister, and his divided Cabinet: “In three weeks England will have her neck wrung like a chicken.” Some chicken! Some neck!

Evidently the most strenuous exertions must be made by us all….Let us then address ourselves to our task, not in any way underrating its tremendous difficulties and perils, but in good heart and sober confidence, resolved that, whatever the cost, whatever the suffering, we shall stand by one another, true and faithful comrades, and do our duty, God helping us, to the end.” 


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