July 24, 2013




Questions concern Contemporaries (C), ”Literary (L), Miscellaneous (M), Personal (P), Statesmanship (S) and War (W).

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1447. Whom did Churchill’s first love, Pamela Plowden, ultimately marry? (C)

1448. For which newspaper did Churchill fulfill his first writing assignment in Cuba? (L)

1449. For Clementine Hozier’s debut into London Society, who bought her a “coming-out” gown? (M)

1450. Name the vessel Churchill took from Tampa, Florida to Havana, Cuba in 1895. (P)

1451. At which conference did Churchill, Roosevelt and their advisers set the cross-channel assault for the spring of 1944? (S)

1452. Churchill was told two weeks before D-Day of a shortage of pumping equipment. How did he solve the problem? (W)

1453. Where did Churchill first meet Pamela Plowden? (C)

1454. Churchill wrote an introduction for what book by Capt. F. A. Dickinson? (L)

1455. After the Cuban revolution of 1959, who kept Churchill supplied with Havana cigars? (M)

1456. When did Churchill leave the Conservative and Unionist Party and sit down with the Liberals, next to Lloyd George? (P)

1457. What did Churchill think about the League of Nations sanctions against Italy in 1935? (S)

1458. Churchill was prevented from visiting Normandy on 6 June 1944; when did he finally visit? (W)

1459. Following the death of Lord Lothian, British Ambassador to the United States, John Colville, Churchill’s private secretary, proposed an ambassador of whom Churchill said, “he is a lunatic in a country of lunatics and it would be a pity to move him.” Whom did Colville recommend? (C)

1460. In the preface to Great Contemporaries, Churchill wrote that he “preferred not to include certain personalities.” Who were they? (L)

1461. What phrase of the Daily Mirror during the 1951 British Election sounds very much like an American election slogan? (M)

1462. How many weeks prematurely was Churchill born ? (P)

1463. On what occasion did Churchill comment, “We have not entered this business without resolve to see it through and you may rest assured that our action will be proportioned to the gravity of the need”? (S)

1464. In April 1912 Churchill proposed a “Naval Holiday.” What was its objective? (W)

1465. Churchill at the Admiralty in 1915 sent for a leading ship designer and asked him to design a “land ship,” which became the tank. Who was the designer? (C)

1466. In 1941 Churchill dropped pieces on two personalities from his book of essays, Great Contemporaries. Who were they? (L)

1467. Of whom did Churchill write in the Sunday Pictorial of 23 August 1931, “All his life he has been reproaching the nation which bowed before him, belittling its traditions, undermining its institutions, mocking its glories”? (M)

1468. On what date did Churchill first become Prime Minister? (M)

1469. On what occasion did Churchill write the following, which is also applicable today? “The rule to follow is what is best calculated to beat the enemy and not what is most likely to please the newspapers.” (S)

1470. Who called themselves “Churchill’s Pets”? (W) 


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