January 21, 2024

Here are the general guidelines governing copyright to Sir Winston Churchill’s works, images and audio recordings found on or linked to this website.

Exceptions to copyright with respect to incidental, personal, educational or other non-commercial uses may apply in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries. Please note that The International Churchill Society is unable to provide any legal opinion with respect to your inquiry, and you should rely on your own determination as to what may be covered under any such exceptions.

1. Non-Commercial Use

The copyright in Sir Winston Churchill’s papers, literary works, audio recordings and those papers of which he was the author did not form part of the purchase by the British Government and remain (under the terms of Sir Winston’s will) the property of the heirs to his Literary Estate, except where it has been separately assigned. No charge is made in the case of reproduction for private academic research, not for publication. Certain charitable or non-profit organisations, such as the International Churchill Society, may be granted the right to reproduce (with acknowledgement) copyright material.

2024 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 41st International Churchill Conference. London | October 2024

2. Commercial Use

Any use of copyright material for commercial publication requires a license issued by Curtis Brown Group Ltd, the literary agents who represent the Estate of Sir Winston Churchill and handle all copyright permissions.

To have your request reviewed, visit their permission request site here and use their online permissions portal to submit your request.

See this page for a guide on ‘Fair Use’ in the United States and ‘Fair Dealing’ in the United Kingdom.

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